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hotmaiAsking why a free fuck Site is successful is really just a way of asking why Fuckbook is successful. The answer should be quite obvious. If you’ve ever used Fuckbook, then you can understand why it’s successful.

Fuckbook is so successful because it’s able to solve two of the biggest problems of any kind of website. They are able to solve the content problem as well as the traffic problem. If you’re a blogger, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You put up a blog post, and then you hate yourself the next day because you have to write another blog post. Then the next day, you have to hassle again with a new blog post.

You don’t have this problem with Fuckbook. Why? Once people join, they post a picture of themselves eating at some sort of restaurant. They might be eating complete shit, but it doesn’t really matter because they’re excited about the shit they ate that they would put pictures of it.

Of course, they wouldn’t do this if there is no audience. So they would then send invitations to fellow idiots to join them on Fuckbook. And that’s how Fuckbook is able to get a lot of traffic and get free content. It’s all about community.

Fuckbook of sex basically just used the same model and applied it to a very distinct community. These are people who are looking for anonymous sex for free. Here is a more in-depth list of why free fuck sites have truly revolutionized the art of finding anonymous sex through the internet.

Anonymous Sex Will Always Get Attention

You have to remember that guys are always looking for new pussy. It doesn’t matter whether he’s married, divorced, or single. He’s always looking for pussy. Why?

The need, the drive to have sex with as many different women as possible is hardwired into the DNA of the typical man. If you’re gay, it’s a little bit different because that same sex drive is directed towards men. Regardless of your sexual orientation, if you’re a guy, you would have that high sex drive. This is why the whole idea of anonymous sex just drives many guys crazy. And this is why many guys are flooding a FuckForFree Site.

It Doesn’t Succeed the Same Way As Fuckbook

The interesting thing is that while a FuckForFree Site has pirated certain aspects of Fuckbook’s game plan, it throws a few flavor nuggets along the way. It has its own distinct spin. Fuckbook of sex has a way of teasing you. It has a way of leaving you hanging. When you leave somebody hanging or in suspense, the reaction is almost predictable. They want more.

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